Current Favorite Quote

I have gathered a posie of other men's flowers, and nothing but the thread that binds them is mine own.

John Bartlett

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The First Blog

Everything must start somewhere and so my blogging adventure begins right here.  It is Thanksgiving weekend and much thought and conversation has been spent on what we are grateful for.  My list is leangthy.  I am thankful for such a long list!
 I have most of my Christmas shopping done, mostly on line.  I find I like shopping on line.  No blisters on my feet or elbows in my ribs.  I can keep that peaceful spirit of giving in my heart instead of turning into a big grouch full of frustration.  You tend forget that Christmas is a celebration of the greatest gift of all when you spend your time in the hustle and bustle of commercialism.  I am trying this year to try to focus on the holiday season more peacefully.  To remember that it is about love and joy, caring for each other.  Let go of the idea of a perfectly decorated house, the most delicious fresh baked cookies, or if I have mailed a card to everyone.  Yes, I will most likely still send cards, put up a tree, and wrap up a few gifts.  Just no stress over doing it just so.  Who have I been competing with all these years anyway? 
Some of my gifts are hand made and I will post more about that later.  I do need to get to work on them however.  Part of my plan for this blog is to post photos and plans for the ideas I come up with for things I make.  I also plan to post favorite recipes, there will be favorite quotes at the top, and who knows what else.  Like the best bowl of soup..........

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Abbie! So happy you'll be blogging. Love your thoughts shared and look forward to many more. Hugs to you!
